Take up this opportunity to come and meet your child's teacher and to hear about all the great things that will be happening in our classes this term and throughout the year. Enjoy a fun family evening.
Classrooms will be open between 5.00 - 6.30pm.
Mrs Goodall available for ESOL parents - Room 4
Staffroom 6.00 - 7.00pm Board Members will be available to speak to any parents interested in standing for Election.
Camp Meetings: 7.00pm รข€“ 7.30 pm
Year 5 Camp Meeting Room 16
Year 3 & 4 Camp Meeting Room 2/3 (The Island)
Bring along your picnic tea or purchase some of the food available:
Sausage/Bread - $2.00
Burgers - $3.50
Drinks - $1.50/$2.00
Ice-blocks - $1.00
Coffee man on site
Activities commencing from 5.00pm (Cost between $3.00 - $5.00)
Quad bikes
Mega slide
Obstacle Course
Bouncy Castle
Free entertainment - Activities run by Year 7/8 students
6.45pm - John to speak to parents followed by school lolly scramble.